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Sound Therapy



Toning involves the slow 'sounding' of open vowel sounds and overtones on the full exhalation of the breath.  The client receives these sounds, but can also participate in toning with the therapist at certain points in the treatment.  Clients are frequently taught how to Tone for themselves, when regular daily practice is indicated.  Vocal toning can bring immediate, beneficial changes to our physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual selves.    When utilized with intention and clear focus, the vibrations carried through the ‘sounding’ voice will go to work where imbalances in the mind/body exist, and act as a kind of sonic ‘tune up’ that re-aligns energies to result in a greater degree of harmonic functioning.  Common experiences include a deep relaxation effect with mental calm and a release of stress.   


Individuals suffering from Anxiety, Trauma, ADD and Depression can benefit from the effects of Toning.  The activation of the parasympathetic nervous system experienced through toning,  acts to calm the body and mind.  Emotional regulation can be helped through the 'calming breath' of 6 breaths per minute that our research has shown, naturally occurs through the act of toning.  A decrease in distractedness and quieting of mental chatter has been found to help adults suffering ADD, enabling them to improve their focus of concentration.  Toning can also be utilized as a means to experience Mindfulness.  Meditative states are frequently experienced through Toning, and for individuals suffering from Depression, Toning followed by silent meditation can be an effective tool in helping reduce to manage their symptoms.  




These remarkable sound therapy instruments are made from seven metals, hammered together in the shape of many different-sized bowls, which are then played in a variety of ways which produce different pitched sounds vibrating at different frequencies. Many of these bowls now come from Nepal rather than Tibet, but are very similar in construction.  Both ‘undertones’ and ‘overtones’ are heard in these bowls, referring to a spectrum of pitches heard both beneath and above the main pitch of each bowl. 

A tradition exists in the East, of the bowls being used for both healing and meditative purposes, in some cases - in Tibet, for meditation - for thousands of years.  In today’s world, the bowls are used as a form of sound therapy, as well as for meditation.  The effects are quite similar to the effects of vocal toning, with harmonizing benefits readily available through the experience of listening to these sound vibrations. The sounds emitted by the bowls when played, are experienced by most people as beautiful to listen to, and deeply relaxing. Tibetan Singing Bowls are remarkably effective in soothing distress experienced by clients whose emotions are triggered by trauma.  Playing them for a client helps them return to emotional equilibrium in a matter of minutes.  The vibrations of the bowls are centering and grounding, while at the same time emitting soothing, resonant tones.




Crystal Bowls are also used in sessions in combination with the Tibetan Bowls.  Client preferences are important in choosing which bowls to use.  


Sessions often combine vocal toning with singing bowls, creating deeply resonant tones and harmonies.  This can be a deeply satisfying aesthetic experience.  Clients sometimes report that the bowls seem to open their energy field to deeper experiences with the vocal sounds that follow.  Some clients prefer just the bowls in their sessions.  These types of decisions are made through demonstration and discussion.


​ For more information or to book an appointment, please contact us.


Book A Consultation or Session


Dr. Shelley Snow, Ph.D., M.T.A

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